Search Results for "Dog"
Products 1-42 of 74
Kings Pipers Large French Wall Tapestry W-3572, 100-200Inchestall, 100-200Incheswide, 100H, 100W, 142W, 30-39Inchestall, 34H, 40-49Inchestall, 48H, 50-59Incheswide, 52W, 70-79Inchestall, 70-79Incheswide, 70H, 70W, Art, Big, Biggest, Brown, Cotton, Du, Enormous, Europe, European, French, Grande, Green, Hanging, Horizontal, Horse, Horses, Huge, Large, Largest, Les, Medieval, Of, Old, Olde, Really, Red, Roi, Sonneurs, Tapastry, Tapestries, Tapestry, Tapistry, Trumpet, Trumpets, Vintage, Wall, World, Woven, Frenchwoven, Europeanwoven, Tambours, king, castle, louis, xiv, tapestries, tapestrys, hangings, and, the, Renaissance, rennaisance, rennaissance, renaisance, renassance, renaissanse, pansu

    This is a beautiful tapestry reproduction from the original artwork of Charles Le Brun (1619-1690). The King's pipers and drummers are the subject of this exquisitely detailed tapestry. In this scene we see a man, woman, two children and their dog interacting with the musicians. The landscape is beautiful and idyllic with intricate detail in the foliage of the trees, plants and landscape of the countryside. A river behind them produces a luscious backdrop to the scene. The work of Le Brun is...

    Bay Horse And White Dog Wall Tapestry C-3094, Carolina, USAwoven, Tapestry, Animal, Green, Blue, Brown, White, 50-59Incheswide, 40-49Inchestall, Horizontal, Cotton, Woven, Wall, Hanging, Tapestries, tapestries, tapestrys, hangings, and, the

      An unlikely friendship is seen here when a horse and a dog say hello to each other as a tranquil background set the scene in this wall tapestry which would be the perfect gift for any animal lover.

      La Chasse Belgian Wall Tapestry Hanging, Tapestries, Woven, tapestries, tapestrys, hangings, and, the, Renaissance, rennaisance, rennaissance, renaisance, renassance, renaissanse

        This Belgian tapestry features a scene of the castle of Pierrefonds with noblemen and their dogs and horses preparing to go for a hunt.

        Farm Animals & Girl Wall Tapestry C-2324, &, 10-29Inchestall, 2324-Wh, 2324C, 2324Wh, 26H, 30-39Incheswide, 34W, Animals, Art, Botanical, Carolina, USAwoven, Cotton, Cow, Dog, Farm, Floral, Flower, Flowers, Girl, Green, Hanging, Hay, Horizontal, Horse, Pedals, Prairie, Rustic, Sheep, Southwest, Southwestern, Tapestries, Tapestry, Wall, Western, Woven, tapestries, tapestrys, hangings, and, the

          This peaceful country setting beckons you to take an afternoon stroll. Father drives the wagon full of hay while the beautiful little girl is part of a parade. A dog, sheep and a cow are walking to the rustic barn on a sunny afternoon.

          Yellow Lab Wall Tapestry C-1934, 10-29Inchestall, 1934-Wh, 1934C, 1934Wh, 26H, 30-39Incheswide, 34W, Animal, Brown, Carolina, USAwoven, Dog, Dowel, Horizontal, Lab, Tapestry, Wall, Wood, Yellow, tapestries, tapestrys, hangings, and, the

            This pair of handsome Yellow Labs painted by Robert May sit in wait of pheasants to fly over at the edge of the woods in billowing grass.

            English Hunt Wall Tapestry C-3063, Carolina, USAwoven, Tapestry, Animal, Hunting, Scenes, Brown, Green, Horse, Dogs, 50-59Incheswide, 30-39Inchestall, Horizontal, Cotton, Woven, Wall, Hanging, Tapestries, tapestries, tapestrys, hangings, and, the

              The hunt is on as a chestnut horse gallops across a stream as its owner guides him by pulling the reigns in this classic equestrian scene. Following behind quick hounds they chase after their prey. The perfect gift for any horse lover!

              Return of Bucintoro Italian Wall Tapestry Hanging, Tapestries, Woven, tapestries, tapestrys, hangings, and, the

                Return of Bucintoro is an Italian jacquard woven wall tapestry. The artwork is from a painting by Italian landscape painter Canaltello (1697-1768). The bucentaur, bucintoro in Venetian, was the state barge of the doges of Venice. It was used every year on Ascension Day up to 1798 to take the doge out to the Adriatic Sea to perform the Marriage of the Sea, a ceremony that symbolically wedded Venice to the sea every year on the Festa della Sensa, or Ascension Day.

                Hunt of the Boar Belgian Wall Tapestry Hanging, Tapestries, Woven, dogs, tapestries, tapestrys, hangings, and, the, Renaissance, rennaisance, rennaissance, renaisance, renassance, renaissanse

                  This Belgian tapestry depicts a design by Barend Van Orley of English Royals hunting during the 17th Century.

                  Animal Gothic Wall Tapestry C-1886, 10-29Incheswide, 1886-Wh, 1886C, 1886Wh, 26W, 30-39Inchestall, 34H, Animal, Black, Border, Carolina, USAwoven, Dowel, Gothic, Tapestry, Vertical, Wall, Wood, tapestries, tapestrys, hangings, and, the

                    Melinda Copper and her sense of humor reworked the famous painting American Gothic by Grant Wood to reflect a whimsical pair of a cat and dog.

                    Bucintoro II Italian Wall Tapestry Hanging, Tapestries, Woven, tapestries, tapestrys, hangings, and, the

                      The bucentaur was the state galley of the doges of Venice. It was used every year on Ascension Day up to 1798 to take the doge out to the Adriatic Sea to perform the "Marriage of the Adriatic" more accurately, "Marriage of the Sea" a ceremony that symbolically wedded Venice to the sea every year on the "Festa della Sensa" (Ascension Day).

                      Oudry Four Seasons French Wall Tapestry

                        Four Seasons, or Les Quatre Saisons, is a French woven jacquard wall tapestry based on the work by J.B. Oudry (1686-1755). This scene is an elegant example of a new ideal among 18th century tapestry makers to make their tapestries, seen from a distance, look like paintings. At left This scene is populated with idealized representations of the seasons Spring and Summer. Hay and sycle are piled artfully to display the harvest. A flock of spring lambs and their herd dog appear before a farmhouse....

                        The Board Meeting Wall Tapestry C-0789, 0789-Wh, 0789C, 0789Wh, 10-29Inchestall, 26H, 30-39Incheswide, 34W, Animal, Blue, Board, Carolina, USAwoven, Dowel, Horizontal, Meeting, Mixed, Tapestry, The, Wall, Wood, tapestries, tapestrys, hangings, and, the

                          This fun and playful piece by Bob Christie features three different colored labs. They are patiently waiting on the dock but wanting to jump in the lake and retrieve more ducks. Perfect for any dog lover.

                          Golden Retriever Family Wall Tapestry C-0977, 0977-Wh, 0977C, 0977Wh, 10-29Inchestall, 26H, 30-39Incheswide, 34W, Animal, Carolina, USAwoven, Dogs, Dowel, Family, Golden, Green, Horizontal, Retriever, Tapestry, Wall, Wood, tapestries, tapestrys, hangings, and, the

                            Bob Christie's beautiful rendition of a Golden Retriever has made this a wall hanging any dog lover would be thrilled to receive.

                            Newfoundland Wall Tapestry C-2007, 10-29Inchestall, 2007-Wh, 2007C, 2007Wh, 26H, 30-39Incheswide, 34W, Animal, Black, Blue, Brown, Carolina, USAwoven, Dog, Dowel, Horizontal, Newfoundland, Tapestry, Wall, Wood, tapestries, tapestrys, hangings, and, the

                              This regal black Newfoundland was painted by Robert May. He lays on a beautiful rocky coast beside a fishing boat. Great gift for a collector.

                              Dog Sitting Sideways Pink  French Pillow Cover

                                Cute muzzle, loyal and smart, this adorable pup will immediately charm you and will highlight your decoration in this imported tapestry pillow cover.

                                Cavalier King Charles Wall Tapestry C-1148, 10-29Inchestall, 1148-Wh, 1148C, 1148Wh, 26H, 30-39Incheswide, 34W, Animal, Brown, Carolina, USAwoven, Cavalier, Charles, Dark, Dogs, Dowel, Fire, Horizontal, King, Red, Tapestry, Wall, Wood, tapestries, tapestrys, hangings, and, the

                                  This elegant tapestry scene depicts dogs in a natural setting. This painting was created by Robert May, one of the worlds leading canine artists as a study of Border Collies. Robert prides himself on creating lifelike canine paintings.

                                  Fountain by the Lake Italian Wall Tapestry pastoral, tapestries, tapestrys, hangings, and, the, Renaissance, rennaisance, rennaissance, renaisance, renassance, renaissanse

                                    This tapestry features a part of the Noble Pastorale series of 6 tapestries desgined by Francois Boucher. There is a romantic interlude here between the young couple by the lake. They are accompanied by a playing child with a dog and sheep. The works of Francois Boucher often portrayed life of the nobles in an idyllic countryside setting. Here we see a gorgeous river side setting with a flowing cherub fountain nearby again alluding to romance, with a gorgeous mountainous landscape in the...

                                    Black Labs Wall Tapestry C-1137, 10-29Inchestall, 1137-Wh, 1137C, 1137Wh, 26H, 30-39Incheswide, 34W, Animal, Black, Brown, Carolina, USAwoven, Dogs, Dowel, Horizontal, Labs, Tapestry, Wall, Wood, tapestries, tapestrys, hangings, and, the

                                      This elegant tapestry scene depicts dogs in a natural setting. This painting was created by Robert May, one of the worlds leading canine artists as a study of Border Collies. Robert prides himself on creating lifelike canine paintings.

                                      Springer Spaniels Wall Tapestry C-1134, 10-29Inchestall, 1134-Wh, 1134C, 1134Wh, 26H, 30-39Incheswide, 34W, Animal, Brown, Carolina, USAwoven, Dogs, Dowel, Horizontal, Spaniels, Springer, Tapestry, Wall, Wood, tapestries, tapestrys, hangings, and, the

                                        This elegant tapestry scene depicts dogs in a natural setting. This painting was created by Robert May, one of the worlds leading canine artists as a study of Border Collies. Robert prides himself on creating lifelike canine paintings.

                                        Curious Onlookers Wall Tapestry C-2325, Carolina, USAwoven, Tapestry, Animal, Black, White, Dog, Cows, Boy, 30-39Incheswide, 10-29Inchestall, Horizontal, Cotton, Woven, Wall, Hanging, Tapestries, tapestries, tapestrys, hangings, and, the

                                          What a perfect day for a sled ride. This little boy all bundled up is dragging his sled to the nearest hill. His dog tags along to see the action. Curious cows look on to see what is going on.

                                          Bucintoro Venice Italian Wall Tapestry Hanging, Tapestries, Woven, tapestries, tapestrys, hangings, and, the

                                            Bucintoro Venice is an Italian jacquard woven wall tapestry. The artwork is from a painting by Italian landscape painter Canaltello (1697-1768). The bucentaur, bucintoro in Venetian, was the state barge of the doges of Venice.

                                            Irish Wolfhound Wall Tapestry C-2010, 10-29Inchestall, 2010-Wh, 2010C, 2010Wh, 26H, 30-39Incheswide, 34W, Animal, Carolina, USAwoven, Dog, Dowel, Gray, Horizontal, Irish, Tapestry, Wall, Wolfhound, Wood, Yellow, tapestries, tapestrys, hangings, and, the

                                              Robert May painted this realsitic pair of tan and gray Irish wolfhounds. They reside here on a beautiful hillside dotted with flowers and mountains in the distance.

                                              German Shorthaired Wall Tapestry C-1931, 10-29Inchestall, 1931-Wh, 1931C, 1931Wh, 26H, 30-39Incheswide, 34W, Animal, Black, Blue, Carolina, USAwoven, Dog, Dowel, German, Green, Horizontal, Shorthaired, Tapestry, Wall, Wood, tapestries, tapestrys, hangings, and, the

                                                Robert May painted this German Shorthaired beauty pointing on a flowing hillside surrounded by stunning pink flowers with majestic mountains in the background.

                                                Three Lab Bakery Wall Tapestry C-3970, 30-39Incheswide, 3970-Wh, 3970C, 3970Wh, 39W, 50-59Inchestall, 53H, Ad, Advertisement, Advertisements, Ancient, Antique, Art, Bakery, Black, Blue, Brown, Cakes, Carolina, USAwoven, Cotton, Culinary, Dog, Dogs, Famous, Food, Hanging, Lab, Old, Olde, Poster, Posters, Tapestries, Tapestry, Three, Vertical, Vintage, Wall, White, Woven, Yellow, tapestries, tapestrys, hangings, and, the

                                                  Truly one of our funnest tapestries, this one with warm up your heart everytime! This wall tapestry is woven in North Carolina, USA and hand finished by skilled artisans.

                                                  Bernese Mountain Dog Wall Tapestry C-1935, 10-29Inchestall, 1935-Wh, 1935C, 1935Wh, 26H, 30-39Incheswide, 34W, Animal, Bernese, Black, Blue, Carolina, USAwoven, Dog, Dowel, Horizontal, Mountain, Tapestry, Wall, Wood, Yellow, tapestries, tapestrys, hangings, and, the

                                                    This proud and strong Bernese Mountain dog painted by Robert May stands in the midst of the granduer of mountains in the background.

                                                    Now We Wait Dog Wall Tapestry C-0979, 0979-Wh, 0979C, 0979Wh, 10-29Inchestall, 26H, 30-39Incheswide, 34W, Animal, Beige, Brown, Carolina, USAwoven, Dog, Dowel, Horizontal, Now, Tapestry, Wait, Wall, We, Wood, tapestries, tapestrys, hangings, and, the

                                                      Bob Christie's beautiful rendering of German Short Haired Pointers in a field hot on the trail of their prey makes a delightful wall hanging that any dog lover would enjoy.

                                                      English Sporting Dogs Wall Tapestry C-6166, 60-69Incheswide, 6166-Wh, 6166C, 6166Wh, 64W, 70-79Inchestall, 71H, Animal, Art, Big, Brown, Carolina, USAwoven, Cotton, Dog, Dogs, English, European, Hanging, Huge, New, Portrait, Sporting, Tall, Tapestries, Tapestry, Tapistry, Vertical, Wall, Wide, Woven, tapestries, tapestrys, hangings, and, the

                                                        A symmetrical grouping of sporting dogs in the British countryside set in a burl wood frame and meticulously woven into a grand scale tapestry.

                                                        Dog Pointer French Pillow Cover

                                                          Dog Pointer is an artisan crafted European jacquard woven tapestry pillow cover displaying an English Pointer a favourite among hunting dogs.

                                                          Scottish Dogs French Pillow Cover

                                                            Scottish Dogs, or Le pointer is a fine art European jacquard tapestry pillow cover. We can see several dogs' silhouettes in action. At the right the head of a hunting dog appears. The background is brown with a subdued plaid across the bottom of the scene.

                                                            Van Gogh Dog European Pillow Cover

                                                              A beautifully made tapestry pillow cover, woven on jacquard looms in Europe. Bring another touch of elegance into your home with this well crafted pillow cushion cover!

                                                              Medieval Dogs European Pillow Cover

                                                                Dogs on the hunt especially whippets as pictured in our Medieval Dogs pillow cover were a popular inclusion in woven artwork and tapestries from the 15th and 16th century. Today these endearing creatures bring a touch of history to the classically decorated or traditional style study, sitting room, or bedroom. The tapestry pillow cover is woven in cotton and viscose in rich earthy colors of green, white and burgundy. Decorated your favorite lounge chair, settee, and sofa with our tempting...

                                                                Hunting Dogs French Pillow Cover

                                                                  Reproduction of the famous painting "Pompee et Florissant" by Alexandre-Frana�ois Desportes. It represents the two favorite dogs of Louis the 15th, king of France from 1715 to 1774. This fine art European tapestry pillow cover is the perfect addition to your home decor motif.

                                                                  Dogs Dark  French Pillow Cover

                                                                    A beautiful tapestry pillow cover, jacquard woven by the finest textile artisans depicting two precious puppies.

                                                                    Dogs Light French Pillow Cover

                                                                      A beautiful tapestry pillow cover, jacquard woven by the finest textile artisans depicting two precious puppies.

                                                                      Temptation Wall Tapestry C-2534, Carolina, USAwoven, Tapestry, Animal, Dog, Brown, Cream, Border, 40-49Incheswide, 50-59Inchestall, Vertical, Cotton, Woven, Wall, Hanging, Tapestries, tapestries, tapestrys, hangings, and, the, cake, pie, dessert

                                                                        A tasty looking cake tempts this poor dog as he struggles with a decision: to eat or not to eat. Animal lovers will adore this wall tapestry!

                                                                        Border Terriers Wall Tapestry C-1139, 10-29Inchestall, 1139-Wh, 1139C, 1139Wh, 26H, 30-39Incheswide, 34W, Animal, Border, Brown, Carolina, USAwoven, Dogs, Dowel, Horizontal, Tapestry, Terriers, Wall, Wood, tapestries, tapestrys, hangings, and, the

                                                                          This elegant tapestry scene depicts dogs in a natural setting. This painting was created by Robert May, one of the worlds leading canine artists as a study of Border Collies. Robert prides himself on creating lifelike canine paintings.

                                                                          Chihuahuas Wall Tapestry C-1142, 10-29Inchestall, 1142-Wh, 1142C, 1142Wh, 26H, 30-39Incheswide, 34W, Animal, Brown, Carolina, USAwoven, Chihuahuas, Dogs, Dowel, Horizontal, Pink, Tapestry, Wall, Wood, tapestries, tapestrys, hangings, and, the

                                                                            This elegant tapestry scene depicts dogs in a natural setting. This painting was created by Robert May, one of the worlds leading canine artists as a study of Border Collies. Robert prides himself on creating lifelike canine paintings.

                                                                            Cocker Spaniels Wall Tapestry C-1124, 10-29Inchestall, 1124-Wh, 1124C, 1124Wh, 26H, 30-39Incheswide, 34W, Animal, Brown, Carolina, USAwoven, Cocker, Dogs, Dowel, Horizontal, Spaniels, Tapestry, Wall, Wood, tapestries, tapestrys, hangings, and, the

                                                                              This elegant tapestry scene depicts dogs in a natural setting. This painting was created by Robert May, one of the worlds leading canine artists as a study of Border Collies. Robert prides himself on creating lifelike canine paintings.

                                                                              English Setters Wall Tapestry C-1138, 10-29Inchestall, 1138-Wh, 1138C, 1138Wh, 26H, 30-39Incheswide, 34W, Animal, Brown, Carolina, USAwoven, Dogs, Dowel, English, Horizontal, Setters, Tapestry, Wall, Wood, tapestries, tapestrys, hangings, and, the

                                                                                This elegant tapestry scene depicts dogs in a natural setting. This painting was created by Robert May, one of the worlds leading canine artists as a study of Border Collies. Robert prides himself on creating lifelike canine paintings.

                                                                                Golden Retrievers Wall Tapestry C-1128, 10-29Inchestall, 1128-Wh, 1128C, 1128Wh, 26H, 30-39Incheswide, 34W, Animal, Brown, Carolina, USAwoven, Dogs, Dowel, Golden, Horizontal, Retrievers, Tapestry, Wall, Wood, tapestries, tapestrys, hangings, and, the

                                                                                  This elegant tapestry scene depicts dogs in a natural setting. This painting was created by Robert May, one of the worlds leading canine artists as a study of Border Collies. Robert prides himself on creating lifelike canine paintings.

                                                                                  Gordon Setters Wall Tapestry C-1141, 10-29Inchestall, 1141-Wh, 1141C, 1141Wh, 26H, 30-39Incheswide, 34W, Animal, Brown, Carolina, USAwoven, Dogs, Dowel, Gordon, Horizontal, Setters, Tapestry, Wall, Wood, tapestries, tapestrys, hangings, and, the

                                                                                    This elegant tapestry scene depicts dogs in a natural setting. This painting was created by Robert May, one of the worlds leading canine artists as a study of Border Collies. Robert prides himself on creating lifelike canine paintings.

                                                                                    Irish Setters Wall Tapestry C-1140, 10-29Inchestall, 1140-Wh, 1140C, 1140Wh, 26H, 30-39Incheswide, 34W, Animal, Brown, Carolina, USAwoven, Dogs, Dowel, Horizontal, Irish, Setters, Tapestry, Wall, Wood, tapestries, tapestrys, hangings, and, the

                                                                                      This elegant tapestry scene depicts dogs in a natural setting. This painting was created by Robert May, one of the worlds leading canine artists as a study of Border Collies. Robert prides himself on creating lifelike canine paintings.